
This site is the personal opinion of Alex Hudson. In particular, this does not reflect the views and/or policies of the Association for Free Software

Want to submit a story?

You can give us anything for the newsletter; it can be just a URL and a short piece of text, or it can be a longer report. Anything that is relevant to:

  1. AFFS / FSFE / FSF news and current affairs
  2. News of free software events and affairs in the UK
  3. General free software news (e.g., worldwide)
  4. General IT news

(in roughly that order of editorial priority) is worthy. If you're not sure if your item is relevant; please send it anyway. At worst, it won't be included.


Please use the standard form for contributing if you can, even by e-mail, but if not please at least leave your name and the date you contributed the item. You can of course submit anonymously, just don't expect to be credited :)

Copy and paste the following into your favourite mail client, and fill in the missing bits, then mail it to newsdesk at

Your name:
Preferred email*:
Story title*:
Other comments:

Items marked with a * are optional; these can be taken from your email From: and Subject:. Feel free to make your story as long as you like

"Other comments" is for anything you feel relevant: other information that you want us to know, but doesn't fit in the story (e.g., "This item must be published by the end of the month, otherwise there's no point!"). Also, if you want to remain anonymous, please say so.

Current Queue

Please do not add items here, this is for the Editor :o) Where pages do not exist/items are not linked, a story has been e-mailed and is sitting in the mail manager.

  • Latest SWPat news
  • Latest EU vs. MS news

Previous Queue:

  • Zdnet CCIA story (trousering MS money)
  • Zdnet Austrian swpat story
  • Osswatch open source briefings
  • UKPO "facts" ?