To replace Clause 5 of the Constitution with the following:
5. Principle Officers (a) The Principle Officers of the Association shall be the Chair, the Vice-chair, and the Treasurer. (b) The Chair of the Association will be responsible for the public communication of the Association, and will have special responsibilities at meetings and otherwise, as set out herein. (c) The Vice-chair of the Association will be responsible for the internal communication of the Association and notices to members, both official and unofficial. The Vice-chair will deputise for the Chair, and assume the responsibilities of the Chair, when required. The Vice-chair will act as the Secretary of the Association, and will be responsible for minuting all official meetings of the Association. (d) The Treasurer of the Association will be responsible for all financial transactions of the Association, all book-keeping, and the upkeep of a database of records of the membership. (e) All Principle Officers may, from time to time, delegate the work associated with their post, but not the responsibility. Principle Officers will report the work they have undertaken to fulfil their responsibilities at General Meetings of the Association. (f) Principle Officers are elected from the Executive Committee by the membership, by the rules set out in Clause 7. Any full member of the Association is eligible to put themselves forward for election, but where such a member is not already a member of the Executive Committee, or have less than [three (3)] months left to serve, they must also be elected to the Executive Committee at a simultaneous election, else they are disqualified from the results of the vote. Candidates for Principle Offices will not be automatically entered into elections for membership of the Executive Committee. (g) A Principle Officer may resign only by resigning from the Executive Committee. The date for a re-election of a Principle Officer must be set within [six (6)] months of the post opening.
Honorary Officers are those with specific roles within the Organisation; however, Clause 5 did not clearly define those roles, and those officers were treated differently to ordinary officers of the Executive Committee as they were separately elected.
This section lays out the Offices and responsibilities, and also outlines the method of election: there would no longer be a need for a specific election of Honorary Officers; they will be elected from the ranks of the potential Executive.
To amend Clause 6 of the Constitution to say:
6. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (a) Subject as hereinafter mentioned the policy and general management of the affairs of the Association shall be directed by an Executive Committee (hereinafter called 'the Committee') which shall meet not less than [ four (4) ] times a year and when complete shall consist of not less than [ five (5) ] or more than [ eleven (11) ] members.(b) The members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association in accordance with Clause 9 hereof.(b) The members of the Committee shall be elected by the membership, in accordance with the rules set out in Clause {7}. (c) Election to the Committee shall be for [ two (2) ] years. [ Half ] of the membership shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election, provided that no Committee member shall hold office for more than [ four (4) ] years. On the expiration of such period, [ one (1) ] further years must elapse before any former Committee member shall be eligible for re-election, the members so to retire being those who have been longest in office since the last election but not reckoning thechair and honoraryPrinciple officers. As between members who have been in office the same length of time, those due to retire shall be chosen by lot. (d) Only full members of the Association whether individual or representative shall be eligible to serve asHonorary Officers ormembers of the Committee. Nominationsfor Honorary Officers ormembers of the Committee must be made by full members of the association in writing and must be in the hands of the Secretary at least [ ten (10) ] days beforethe Annual General Meetingany election.Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot OR election shall be by a system of postal voting (the arrangements for which shall be made by the Committee) PROVIDED THAT the first members of the Committee shall be elected by personal vote at the first General Meeting of the Association.}(e) In addition to the members so electedand to those serving by virtue of Clause 5(c) hereofthe Committee may co-opt up to [ three (3) ] further members being full members of the Association whether individual or representative or a combination of both who shall serve until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting after individual co-option provided that the number of co- opted members shall not exceed one-third of the total membership of the Committee at the time of co-option.(f) Any casual vacancy in the Committee may be filled by the Committee and any person appointed to fill such a casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall be eligible for election at the Meeting.(g)(f) The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated by any failure to elect or any defect in the election, appointment, co-option or qualification of any member.(h)(g) The Committee shall appoint and fix the remuneration of staff (not being members of the Committee) as may in their opinion be necessary.(i)(h) The Committee may appoint such special or standing committees as may be deemed necessary by the Committee and shall determine their terms of reference, powers, duration and composition. All acts and proceedings of such special or standing committees shall be reported back to the Committee as soon as possible.
This removes reliance on the previous clause 5), and also opens up the possibility of non-AGM elections. The committee are essentially the group of people who run the affairs of the Association, with no special individual responsibility.
To amend Clause 7 of the Constitution thusly:
A member of the Committee shall cease to hold office if he or she:(TODO) Removal of members of the committee. Committee members will be removed from Executive and any Principle office they hold if:
To insert, into Clause 7 of the Constitution:
(a) Members shall be elected to the Executive Committee by the following methods: (i) via ballot of a quorate General Meeting; (ii) via ballot of the entire membership of the Association; (b) Deferral of ballot of General Meeting. Any ballot of a General Meeting will be deferred to a later Postal ballot of the membership under the following circumstances: (i) a successful motion to defer is carried; (ii) if the Meeting is inquorate; (c) All nominations put forward to elections deferred under section (c) will be automatically re-submitted to the following election unless explicitly withdrawn during the period of nomination for that election. (d) Nominations. All elections will have a [ten (10)] day period of nomination immediately prior to the election. This period of nomination will be communicated to the membership not less than [ten (10)] days before the opening of nominations. All nominations must be made by full members of the Association. All nominees must be full members of the Association. Nominations must be made to the Executive Committee of the Association, and will be acknowledged by the Chair of the Association. (e) Voting. The Returning Officer will be responsible for the production, delivery, collection and processing of ballots. Ballots may be slips of paper to be returned to the Vice-chair, or may be sent by electronic mail. The precise method used may vary according to Standing Order of the Executive Committee, but will have the following properties: (i) the ballot will treat all candidates for election equally; (ii) the ballot will be run under the rules of a Single Transferable Vote, as defined by the Electoral Reform Society; (iii) the ballot will include all members eligible to vote (the entire membership for a postal ballot, or those present at a quorate General Meeting); (iv) the results of the ballot will be published openly, and the votes of each individual will be available to be checked by that individual in a manner which does not identify their vote to others but is generally published to all to inspect; (f) The Returning Officer for all elections will be the Vice-chair of the Association. The returning officer may not be nominated in the election under any circumstance, nor chosen (either wholly or in part) by anyone so nominated. Where the Vice-chair is unable to act as returning officer, the returning officer will be chosen by (in order of preference): (i) the Chair of the Association (ii) the Treasurer of the Association (iii) the Executive Committee of the Association (iv) a present, willing member, drawn by lots if required (g) The Chair of the Association will oversee the activity of the Returning Officer, but will play no part in the collation and publishing of results. (h) Dispute of Elections. Results of elections will be published - including individual votes - to all, and thus will be available to be checked by all. Where a fault in the calculation of the result of the election is found, or a member identifies their vote and finds it miscast, the results of the election will be immediately suspended, a new Returning Officer found according to section (f), and the results re-enumerated. If the new Returning Officer cannot obtain the accurate individual votes of members from the original Returning Officer, or is unable to resolve the dispute within [one (1)] month, the election will be declared null and void and will be re-run. (i) Trigger of Elections. Elections will be held at any General Meeting occuring when positions within the Executive Committee, or Principle Offices, are free and need to be filled. The Chair of the Association may also call elections as he sees fit; provided that no General Meeting is scheduled or may be expected within the next [three (3)] months.