
This site is the personal opinion of Alex Hudson. In particular, this does not reflect the views and/or policies of the Association for Free Software

In rough order etc...

Meeting is noon, Oct. 6th?

  1. Apologies (KD)
  2. Minutes & matters arising (RS? AH?)
    1. MJR proposes that AFFS is satisfied with the training day report and the expense claim forms
  3. treasurer's report (MJR)
  4. Membership report (MJR)
  5. FS-brand credit cards report (MJR)
  6. Co-operative Community Donation Fund Application
    1. MJR proposes that AFFS apply for the CDF if a suitable project presents itself
  7. campaigns (?)
  8. expos and events
    1. European Social Forum 14-17 Oct (MJR)
    2. Copyright in Europe 9-10 Oct (MJR)
  9. newsletters
    1. MJR proposes that ctte draft a service agreement for the newsletter editor to be considered by ctte (amendment changing ctte to a name invited)
  10. brief review of website (BG+RS?)
  11. review of frontdesk@ (BG?)
    1. MJR proposes that the frontdesk@ alias not be directed to mailmanager until mailmanager passes tests
  12. grants (?)
  13. date of next meeting (RS?)