
This site is the personal opinion of Alex Hudson. In particular, this does not reflect the views and/or policies of the Association for Free Software

CGI::Kwiki is simple yet powerful Wiki environment written in Perl as a CPAN module distribribution. It was written by BrianIngerson.

This is CGI::Kwiki Version 0.18


Changes in version 0.17:

- RCS Support!!!
- Changed wiki_link regexps to include '_'
- Cleaned up html and css (AdamTrickett)
- Support template/local/ directory
- Add Login button to edit
- Added Blog to navbar
- Change localtime to gmtime
- Added time to RecentChanges

Changes in version 0.16:

- Support Page Privacy (Public, Protected, Private)
- Support administrator login
- KwikiBlog is a reality
- Allow uppercase suffixes for urls (.GIF)
- Display 'Site Index' for empty search (JoergBraukhoff)
- Display 'Search' as the page_id on a search results page.
- Bang (!) before bracket ([) negates the usual formatting effect.
- Defeat browser caching (JoergBraukhoff)
- Support $ENV{REMOTE_USER} for htaccess (Pardus)

Changes for version 0.15:

- Support unicode character classes in page names
- Search searches page names
- Search is written in Perl now, instead of grep
- Cookies span sessions
- Allow ftp:// and irc:// links
- Allow to create a new page from an old one
- Dead wiki links use <strike>
- Stop links from being underlined
- Allow Wiki links like KWiki
- Support <H4> <H5> and <H6>
- Refactored installation and upgrade process
- Added [#.#] format for $CGI::Kwiki::VERSION

Changes for version 0.14:

- Works with mod_perl.
- Preferences works.
- Support for page metadata.
- RecentChanges shows who last edited page.
- Almost all non-perl content is now written to 
  appropriate files. Javascript, CSS etc. Much easier to
  maintain and extend now.
- Support mailto links and inline code.
- https links added. Thanks to GregSchueler.
- ':' added to charset for page names. Suggested by 
- Javascript fix reported by MikeArms.
- Security hole in CGI params fixed. Reported by 
- Emacs artifact bug fix by HeikkiLehvaslaiho.
- Cleaned up unneeded <p> tags. Reported by HolgerSchurig