AFFS Annual ConferenceThe first AFFS Annual Conference will happen at Aston University on Saturday 17 May 2003. It is an all-ticket event, but tickets are free to members (as of 14 April 2023) and new membership applicants (currently 10 pounds). There may be extra charges for refreshments or hardcopy conference packs. Talks ProgrammeWe are currently inviting speakers to submit proposals. Because of the short notice of the conference (due to events beyond our control), we have not had time to invite speakers or arrange the sessions in advance. It is hoped that we will have sessions on the Internet, multimedia and advocacy. There is probably opportunity for a fourth session to be added to these. The conference will be a single-track conference with short breaks for refreshments and discussion between sessions. Sessions will be made up of talks of various lengths. If you want to speak about a free software project or related topic, please fill out the appropriate form below. Members will be given preference if there are more talks offered than time available. We hope to announce the final programme by Saturday 3 May 2003, so please apply soon. If you would like more information about the conference before applying, please email frontdesk. AFFS AGMThe AFFS AGM will take place at the end of the programme. Only current members will be entitled to vote, but all attendees should be able to participate if they wish. The agenda for the AGM is being finalised and will be sent to members shortly. The main regular items are the reports of the past year's work and the selection of five new executive committee members. Sign up for the conferenceWhen registration is open, these links will activate.
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