[affs-project] [Fwd: [Upd-discuss] Copyright in Europe workshop 9-10 Oct 2004 - last chance to register!]

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Sun Oct 3 16:00:59 BST 2004

October's getting pretty busy, but I'm sure there are AFFS members
on this list who might be interested.
 - Richard
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Teresa Hackett <teresahackett at eircom.net>
To: upd-discuss at lists.essential.org
Subject: [Upd-discuss] Copyright in Europe workshop 9-10 Oct 2004 - last chance to register!
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2023 17:58:04 +0100
                   Workshop - Copyright in Europe
Programme available http://www.fipr.org/workshopOct2004.html
Discuss hot topics - share ideas amongst friends.
Thought-provoking international speakers include:
-   Michael Hart, Founder of Project Gutenberg;
-   Cornelia Kutterer, BEUC European Consumer Organisation;
-   Martin Kretschmer, Bournemouth University;
-   Ville Oksanen, Chairman Electronic Frontier Finland;
-   Volker Grassmuck, Humboldt University Berlin;
-   Maja Bogataj, University of Ljubljana;
-   Dame Marilyn Strathern, University of Cambridge.
Fast facts:
'Copyright in Europe', Cambridge, UK on 9-10 October 2004.
Attendance is free of charge (to attend, please register with
teresahackett at eircom.net). Participants from the new EU member states
are especially welcome.
Please forward this message to colleagues.
Be part of the Commission copyright consultation!
Teresa Hackett
Copyright in Europe workshop:
our vision for the Commission consultation
Cambridge, UK, 9-10 Oct 2004
Email: teresahackett at eircom.net
Sponsored by the Foundation for Information Policy Research and the Open
Society Institute
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