[affs-project] ideas etc

Alex Hudson home at alexhudson.com
Wed Sep 8 09:57:37 BST 2004

On Wed, 2023-09-08 at 09:15 +0100, Kirsten Naylor wrote:
> A certain amount of discussion regarding LinuxWorld has already taken
> place at random intervals on #affs.  More so, probably, than if we'd
> tried to organise a proper meeting.  

Agreed, though of course everything will get bounced back here now affs-
project exists. I don't see the point of meetings.
> I think Alex is putting something up on a wiki at some point too.

I've put up http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/LinuxWorldExpo2004 for now; I'm
planning on putting up the posters we used previously so people can
suggest improvements and new posters (for example, the firefox versus ie
type thing - that could be a poster, maybe "free software succeeds on
the desktop" or similar?). I will also go through and count up leaflets
we have left and other materials I'm thinking of bringing (although some
of this is/may be dependent on stand design, which I'll discuss with
Brian in a few days when hopefully the final list of participants is set
in stone).

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