[affs-project] ideas etc

MJ Ray mjr at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Sep 9 01:39:51 BST 2004

On 2023-09-09 00:45:51 +0100 adam at thebowery.co.uk wrote:
> Would it be too much to ask that you adjust your attitude to stop 
> being rude
> and causing offense to both AFFS committee members and the people we 
> have to
> work with and who want to help us?

Not if you explain what you are finding rude or offensive. Please, 
take that up with me off-list. As I wrote to you last month, I am not 
a natural writer and I had to work hard to get this far, but I'm sure 
I've still more to learn.
I am immensely frustrated by AFFS at the moment and that is probably 
noticeable from my emails, despite efforts to hide it. When there is a 
topic that I have experience and/or training in, I feel that my view 
is rejected out of hand. To make matters worse, since I returned six 
weeks ago, when I ask for information about something I don't know, 
three committee members seem to be ignoring requests. If I push it a 
little, I get a response that doesn't actually answer the question, 
but I can't tell whether it's because the question was misunderstood 
or not and, of course, I can't find that out either.
There is ample scope to continue slinging mud here and it's very 
tempting. Why? In the last two days discussion of the forthcoming 
fair, I feel I've been accused of being a "wuss", not wanting AFFS to 
succeed, not being flexible, inventing unneccesary bureaucracy and 
more. In some ways, a bit of "fighting fire with fire" is cathartic.
Nevertheless, I'll take your email at face value. Please, explain 
off-list the problems with the message and I'll see what I can do 
about it. In return, please help to reduce the frustration. For 
example, don't make random accusations like that I'm wasting bags of 
time: my typing speed is very fast (I could type by age 10 or so...), 
so these emails don't take too much time. I'm sending less often too, 
so I've decided the general shape beforehand and collected references, 
which also makes it much quicker. There was actually an attempt to 
help with advice and constructive suggestions in those emails too.
It's partly your choice how this develops, though.
MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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