[affs-project] Expenses?

Kirsten Naylor wildduck at wildduck.org.uk
Mon Sep 13 15:46:34 BST 2004

On Mon, 2023-09-13 at 14:15, MJ Ray wrote:
> <hat class="treasurer">
> I'm in favour of offering expenses, but I want someone in charge of 
> the expo stand to tell us how much to budget for it so that I'm not 
> effectively signing a blank cheque by saying "yes, we'll pay expenses" 
> and having someone turn up in a gold-plated limo. Later, I need to 
> know who will claim expenses so I'm not sending money out to random 
> people.

No gold-plated limos, just trains and a roof over our heads.
For me and Adam, train fares (saver return Norwich/Liverpool Street) 
@ £32.60 each, plus one night's hotel accommodation @ £65 (cheap hotel
walking distance from Olympia).  Total £130.20. (ie £65.10 per person)
That's all we would be claiming.  (We'll be staying 2 nights but we'll
cover one hotel night ourselves.)
If someone can promise to cover that, then we can go ahead and book before
the cheap rooms disappear etc.  

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