[affs-project] wiki?

Alex Hudson home at alexhudson.com
Wed Aug 17 22:00:16 BST 2005

On Wed, 2023-08-17 at 22:21 +0100, Graham Seaman wrote:
> >Pretty much trivial to add a wiki to the site. 
> So who is acting sys-admin for us to put in a request for this to?

Me or Adam, though you'll have to give us a day or two for us to get
ourselves together before you see any action (I don't have any AFFS time
until this weekend..). I don't think there's anything preventing us
doing it wrt. integrating with our current site, although I will want to
ensure that it's pretty spam-proof before putting it up, because it's
probably not going to get a lot of maintenance.
Did we have any preferences? I'm assuming one of these lot:
Previously, we've had Kwiki on the AFFS site; I've experience with TWiki
but no desire to get back with it. I would also venture no Java or Ruby,
though PHP/Python/Perl would probably be ok. Even more bizarre languages
would be right out ;o)
Zwiki looks a potential, since we already run Zope, and Doku looks nice
and simple (I especially like the idea of not have a database behind the
wiki). So, it looks like DokuWiki to me unless people have feelings

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