[Ukfs-event] Dates and venues

Iain Roberts iain.roberts at opensourceconsortium.org
Fri Sep 22 13:30:30 BST 2006

For the November conference, can we agree :
a) How long the conference will be (we've talked about a two-day
conference in the past).
b) How big it will be (I think we aim for 60-70 people to attend)
c) When it will be (e.g. which dates in November do we need to avoid so
we don't clash with other events).
d) Location (West Midlands?)
e) How many rooms do we want (relevant for break-out sessions; we could
have them in different parts of one large room but different rooms is
better if we can afford it)?
If we can provisionally agree these, I'm happy to spend a bit of time
phoning round ad getting quotes for meeting rooms in hotels.
Iain Roberts
Chief Executive
The Open Source Consortium

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