Web Server Statistics for Debian Linux System

Program started at Wed-08-Sep-2004 22:14.
Analysed requests from Sun-08-Aug-2004 06:30 to Sun-05-Sep-2004 06:10 (27.99 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 08-Sep-2004 22:14).
Successful requests: 14,360 (1,949)
Average successful requests per day: 513 (278)
Successful requests for pages: 5,666 (654)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 202 (93)
Failed requests: 2,406 (157)
Redirected requests: 151 (18)
Distinct files requested: 1,036 (581)
Distinct hosts served: 1,271 (208)
Corrupt logfile lines: 25
Data transferred: 118.764 megabytes (18.438 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 4.243 megabytes (2.634 megabytes)

Yearly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each year.

Each unit () represents 150 requests for pages or part thereof.

year:  reqs: pages: 
----: -----: -----: 
2004: 14360:  5666: 
Busiest year: 2004 (5,666 requests for pages).

Quarterly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each quarter.

Each unit () represents 200 requests for pages or part thereof.

     quarter:  reqs: pages: 
------------: -----: -----: 
Jul-Sep 2004: 14360:  5666: 
Busiest quarter: Jul-Sep 2004 (5,666 requests for pages).

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each month.

Each unit () represents 150 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:  reqs: pages: 
--------: -----: -----: 
Aug 2004: 11819:  4765: 
Sep 2004:  2541:   901: 
Busiest month: Aug 2004 (4,765 requests for pages).

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each week.

Each unit () represents 40 requests for pages or part thereof.

week beg.: reqs: pages: 
---------: ----: -----: 
 8/Aug/04: 3596:  1343: 
15/Aug/04: 3351:  1445: 
22/Aug/04: 3682:  1479: 
29/Aug/04: 3504:  1293: 
 5/Sep/04:  227:   106: 
Busiest week: week beginning 22/Aug/04 (1,479 requests for pages).

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each day.

Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages or part thereof.

     date: reqs: pages: 
---------: ----: -----: 
 8/Aug/04:  207:    74: 
 9/Aug/04: 1116:   337: 
10/Aug/04:  435:   181: 
11/Aug/04:  520:   237: 
12/Aug/04:  472:   214: 
13/Aug/04:  496:   150: 
14/Aug/04:  350:   150: 
15/Aug/04:  388:   182: 
16/Aug/04:  626:   219: 
17/Aug/04:  390:   157: 
18/Aug/04:  344:   153: 
19/Aug/04:  725:   317: 
20/Aug/04:  521:   268: 
21/Aug/04:  357:   149: 
22/Aug/04:  624:   237: 
23/Aug/04:  451:   183: 
24/Aug/04:  498:   218: 
25/Aug/04:  457:   160: 
26/Aug/04:  580:   206: 
27/Aug/04:  493:   263: 
28/Aug/04:  579:   212: 
29/Aug/04:  424:   173: 
30/Aug/04:  402:   185: 
31/Aug/04:  364:   140: 
 1/Sep/04:  624:   255: 
 2/Sep/04:  664:   203: 
 3/Sep/04:  589:   183: 
 4/Sep/04:  437:   154: 
 5/Sep/04:  227:   106: 
Busiest day: 9/Aug/04 (337 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit () represents 20 requests for pages or part thereof.

day: reqs: pages: 
---: ----: -----: 
Sun: 1870:   772: 
Mon: 2595:   924: 
Tue: 1687:   696: 
Wed: 1945:   805: 
Thu: 2441:   940: 
Fri: 2099:   864: 
Sat: 1723:   665: 

Hourly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each hour.

Each unit () represents 2 requests for pages or part thereof.

     date        time: reqs: pages: 
---------------------: ----: -----: 
 2/Sep/04 07:00-08:00:    8:     2: 
 2/Sep/04 08:00-09:00:   27:     2: 
 2/Sep/04 09:00-10:00:    8:     1: 
 2/Sep/04 10:00-11:00:   31:     6: 
 2/Sep/04 11:00-12:00:   27:     2: 
 2/Sep/04 12:00-13:00:   33:    15: 
 2/Sep/04 13:00-14:00:   94:     8: 
 2/Sep/04 14:00-15:00:   39:     2: 
 2/Sep/04 15:00-16:00:   24:     7: 
 2/Sep/04 16:00-17:00:   33:     8: 
 2/Sep/04 17:00-18:00:   11:     3: 
 2/Sep/04 18:00-19:00:   18:     7: 
 2/Sep/04 19:00-20:00:   37:    24: 
 2/Sep/04 20:00-21:00:    9:     2: 
 2/Sep/04 21:00-22:00:    8:     2: 
 2/Sep/04 22:00-23:00:   10:     0: 
 2/Sep/04 23:00-24:00:   15:     2: 
 3/Sep/04 00:00-01:00:   18:     5: 
 3/Sep/04 01:00-02:00:   26:    11: 
 3/Sep/04 02:00-03:00:   74:    41: 
 3/Sep/04 03:00-04:00:   27:    11: 
 3/Sep/04 04:00-05:00:   17:    10: 
 3/Sep/04 05:00-06:00:    7:     5: 
 3/Sep/04 06:00-07:00:    7:     1: 
 3/Sep/04 07:00-08:00:    5:     1: 
 3/Sep/04 08:00-09:00:   11:     7: 
 3/Sep/04 09:00-10:00:   16:     4: 
 3/Sep/04 10:00-11:00:   12:     5: 
 3/Sep/04 11:00-12:00:   38:    12: 
 3/Sep/04 12:00-13:00:   18:     7: 
 3/Sep/04 13:00-14:00:   12:     6: 
 3/Sep/04 14:00-15:00:   10:     2: 
 3/Sep/04 15:00-16:00:   42:    12: 
 3/Sep/04 16:00-17:00:   69:    12: 
 3/Sep/04 17:00-18:00:   83:    18: 
 3/Sep/04 18:00-19:00:   54:     5: 
 3/Sep/04 19:00-20:00:    9:     2: 
 3/Sep/04 20:00-21:00:    7:     1: 
 3/Sep/04 21:00-22:00:   14:     2: 
 3/Sep/04 22:00-23:00:    5:     0: 
 3/Sep/04 23:00-24:00:    8:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 00:00-01:00:    6:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 01:00-02:00:    4:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 02:00-03:00:   52:    33: 
 4/Sep/04 03:00-04:00:   39:    25: 
 4/Sep/04 04:00-05:00:   17:    10: 
 4/Sep/04 05:00-06:00:   15:     6: 
 4/Sep/04 06:00-07:00:   16:     4: 
 4/Sep/04 07:00-08:00:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 08:00-09:00:   14:     6: 
 4/Sep/04 09:00-10:00:    5:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:00-11:00:   13:     4: 
 4/Sep/04 11:00-12:00:   20:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 12:00-13:00:    5:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:00-14:00:   17:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 14:00-15:00:    6:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 15:00-16:00:    7:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 16:00-17:00:   22:     4: 
 4/Sep/04 17:00-18:00:   10:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 18:00-19:00:   17:     4: 
 4/Sep/04 19:00-20:00:   30:    17: 
 4/Sep/04 20:00-21:00:   77:    15: 
 4/Sep/04 21:00-22:00:   25:    10: 
 4/Sep/04 22:00-23:00:   10:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 23:00-24:00:    6:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 00:00-01:00:    8:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 01:00-02:00:   40:     6: 
 5/Sep/04 02:00-03:00:   21:    12: 
 5/Sep/04 03:00-04:00:   81:    51: 
 5/Sep/04 04:00-05:00:   57:    29: 
 5/Sep/04 05:00-06:00:   17:     7: 
 5/Sep/04 06:00-07:00:    3:     0: 
Busiest hour: 9/Aug/04 02:00-03:00 (60 requests for pages).

Hour of the Week Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit () represents 5 requests for pages or part thereof.

           hour: reqs: pages: 
---------------: ----: -----: 
Sun 00:00-01:00:   62:    35: 
Sun 01:00-02:00:   98:    49: 
Sun 02:00-03:00:  216:   138: 
Sun 03:00-04:00:  180:    97: 
Sun 04:00-05:00:  161:    90: 
Sun 05:00-06:00:   56:    19: 
Sun 06:00-07:00:   53:    12: 
Sun 07:00-08:00:   58:    17: 
Sun 08:00-09:00:   52:    24: 
Sun 09:00-10:00:   61:    18: 
Sun 10:00-11:00:   51:    15: 
Sun 11:00-12:00:   41:    12: 
Sun 12:00-13:00:   82:    23: 
Sun 13:00-14:00:   54:    17: 
Sun 14:00-15:00:   92:    45: 
Sun 15:00-16:00:   54:    17: 
Sun 16:00-17:00:   65:    24: 
Sun 17:00-18:00:   60:    23: 
Sun 18:00-19:00:   77:    23: 
Sun 19:00-20:00:   63:    19: 
Sun 20:00-21:00:   62:     9: 
Sun 21:00-22:00:   66:    18: 
Sun 22:00-23:00:   54:    12: 
Sun 23:00-24:00:   52:    16: 
Mon 00:00-01:00:   72:    35: 
Mon 01:00-02:00:   71:    34: 
Mon 02:00-03:00:  318:   161: 
Mon 03:00-04:00:  219:    87: 
Mon 04:00-05:00:  162:    71: 
Mon 05:00-06:00:   46:    18: 
Mon 06:00-07:00:   33:    12: 
Mon 07:00-08:00:   52:    15: 
Mon 08:00-09:00:   70:    36: 
Mon 09:00-10:00:   59:    33: 
Mon 10:00-11:00:   93:    33: 
Mon 11:00-12:00:  182:   101: 
Mon 12:00-13:00:   91:    20: 
Mon 13:00-14:00:   60:    17: 
Mon 14:00-15:00:   97:    37: 
Mon 15:00-16:00:  123:    37: 
Mon 16:00-17:00:  129:    27: 
Mon 17:00-18:00:  191:    39: 
Mon 18:00-19:00:  109:    27: 
Mon 19:00-20:00:   54:     8: 
Mon 20:00-21:00:   78:    19: 
Mon 21:00-22:00:   45:    11: 
Mon 22:00-23:00:  180:    30: 
Mon 23:00-24:00:   61:    16: 
Tue 00:00-01:00:   45:    12: 
Tue 01:00-02:00:   47:    19: 
Tue 02:00-03:00:  124:    82: 
Tue 03:00-04:00:  150:    88: 
Tue 04:00-05:00:   82:    52: 
Tue 05:00-06:00:   51:    30: 
Tue 06:00-07:00:   34:    13: 
Tue 07:00-08:00:   33:    17: 
Tue 08:00-09:00:   49:     7: 
Tue 09:00-10:00:   51:    20: 
Tue 10:00-11:00:   52:    19: 
Tue 11:00-12:00:   79:    37: 
Tue 12:00-13:00:   75:    42: 
Tue 13:00-14:00:   68:    23: 
Tue 14:00-15:00:   83:    24: 
Tue 15:00-16:00:   89:    33: 
Tue 16:00-17:00:   77:    21: 
Tue 17:00-18:00:  111:    30: 
Tue 18:00-19:00:   95:    47: 
Tue 19:00-20:00:   92:    21: 
Tue 20:00-21:00:   53:    14: 
Tue 21:00-22:00:   43:    12: 
Tue 22:00-23:00:   51:    16: 
Tue 23:00-24:00:   53:    17: 
Wed 00:00-01:00:   24:     7: 
Wed 01:00-02:00:   71:    32: 
Wed 02:00-03:00:  204:   123: 
Wed 03:00-04:00:   83:    38: 
Wed 04:00-05:00:   88:    44: 
Wed 05:00-06:00:   80:    50: 
Wed 06:00-07:00:   38:    15: 
Wed 07:00-08:00:   72:    31: 
Wed 08:00-09:00:   36:     5: 
Wed 09:00-10:00:   74:    37: 
Wed 10:00-11:00:   97:    38: 
Wed 11:00-12:00:  133:    46: 
Wed 12:00-13:00:   72:    33: 
Wed 13:00-14:00:   47:    20: 
Wed 14:00-15:00:   66:    30: 
Wed 15:00-16:00:   61:    32: 
Wed 16:00-17:00:   62:    25: 
Wed 17:00-18:00:   94:    43: 
Wed 18:00-19:00:  111:    27: 
Wed 19:00-20:00:   62:    20: 
Wed 20:00-21:00:   90:    28: 
Wed 21:00-22:00:  151:    41: 
Wed 22:00-23:00:   50:    10: 
Wed 23:00-24:00:   79:    30: 
Thu 00:00-01:00:   66:    33: 
Thu 01:00-02:00:   35:    11: 
Thu 02:00-03:00:  160:   110: 
Thu 03:00-04:00:  181:    90: 
Thu 04:00-05:00:   95:    56: 
Thu 05:00-06:00:   79:    35: 
Thu 06:00-07:00:   27:     6: 
Thu 07:00-08:00:   40:    14: 
Thu 08:00-09:00:   97:    41: 
Thu 09:00-10:00:   96:    27: 
Thu 10:00-11:00:   88:    24: 
Thu 11:00-12:00:  167:    54: 
Thu 12:00-13:00:  163:    48: 
Thu 13:00-14:00:  150:    23: 
Thu 14:00-15:00:  101:    24: 
Thu 15:00-16:00:   88:    31: 
Thu 16:00-17:00:   81:    34: 
Thu 17:00-18:00:   78:    22: 
Thu 18:00-19:00:  117:    42: 
Thu 19:00-20:00:  144:    50: 
Thu 20:00-21:00:  125:    41: 
Thu 21:00-22:00:   59:    25: 
Thu 22:00-23:00:   83:    41: 
Thu 23:00-24:00:  121:    58: 
Fri 00:00-01:00:   92:    40: 
Fri 01:00-02:00:   79:    30: 
Fri 02:00-03:00:  130:    82: 
Fri 03:00-04:00:  111:    42: 
Fri 04:00-05:00:   99:    45: 
Fri 05:00-06:00:   79:    51: 
Fri 06:00-07:00:   90:    39: 
Fri 07:00-08:00:   85:    34: 
Fri 08:00-09:00:  111:    50: 
Fri 09:00-10:00:  102:    44: 
Fri 10:00-11:00:   90:    46: 
Fri 11:00-12:00:  119:    52: 
Fri 12:00-13:00:   57:    22: 
Fri 13:00-14:00:   65:    19: 
Fri 14:00-15:00:   57:    22: 
Fri 15:00-16:00:   99:    36: 
Fri 16:00-17:00:  126:    32: 
Fri 17:00-18:00:  112:    26: 
Fri 18:00-19:00:  110:    25: 
Fri 19:00-20:00:   58:    33: 
Fri 20:00-21:00:   56:    22: 
Fri 21:00-22:00:   54:    18: 
Fri 22:00-23:00:   58:    19: 
Fri 23:00-24:00:   60:    35: 
Sat 00:00-01:00:   93:    36: 
Sat 01:00-02:00:   52:    27: 
Sat 02:00-03:00:  174:   112: 
Sat 03:00-04:00:  170:    87: 
Sat 04:00-05:00:   76:    45: 
Sat 05:00-06:00:   66:    42: 
Sat 06:00-07:00:   37:    11: 
Sat 07:00-08:00:   37:    13: 
Sat 08:00-09:00:   60:    23: 
Sat 09:00-10:00:   33:    12: 
Sat 10:00-11:00:   59:    12: 
Sat 11:00-12:00:   54:     9: 
Sat 12:00-13:00:   38:    12: 
Sat 13:00-14:00:   48:    14: 
Sat 14:00-15:00:   30:    12: 
Sat 15:00-16:00:   52:    21: 
Sat 16:00-17:00:   37:     7: 
Sat 17:00-18:00:   51:    11: 
Sat 18:00-19:00:  175:    31: 
Sat 19:00-20:00:   78:    26: 
Sat 20:00-21:00:  104:    24: 
Sat 21:00-22:00:   64:    23: 
Sat 22:00-23:00:   58:    23: 
Sat 23:00-24:00:   77:    32: 

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit () represents 20 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour: reqs: pages: 
----: ----: -----: 
   0:  454:   198: 
   1:  453:   202: 
   2: 1326:   808: 
   3: 1094:   529: 
   4:  763:   403: 
   5:  457:   245: 
   6:  312:   108: 
   7:  377:   141: 
   8:  475:   186: 
   9:  476:   191: 
  10:  530:   187: 
  11:  775:   311: 
  12:  578:   200: 
  13:  492:   133: 
  14:  526:   194: 
  15:  566:   207: 
  16:  577:   170: 
  17:  697:   194: 
  18:  794:   222: 
  19:  551:   177: 
  20:  568:   157: 
  21:  482:   148: 
  22:  534:   151: 
  23:  503:   204: 

Quarter-Hour Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each quarter-hour period.

Each unit () represents 1 request for a page.

     date        time: reqs: pages: 
---------------------: ----: -----: 
 4/Sep/04 06:15-06:30:    6:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 06:30-06:45:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 06:45-07:00:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:00-07:15:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:15-07:30:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 07:30-07:45:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:45-08:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:00-08:15:    5:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 08:15-08:30:    6:     4: 
 4/Sep/04 08:30-08:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:45-09:00:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 09:00-09:15:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:15-09:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:30-09:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:45-10:00:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:00-10:15:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:15-10:30:    2:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 10:30-10:45:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:45-11:00:    7:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 11:00-11:15:   14:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:15-11:30:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 11:30-11:45:    3:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 11:45-12:00:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:00-12:15:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:15-12:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:30-12:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:45-13:00:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:00-13:15:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:15-13:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:30-13:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:45-14:00:   13:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 14:00-14:15:    3:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 14:15-14:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:30-14:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:45-15:00:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 15:00-15:15:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:15-15:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:30-15:45:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 15:45-16:00:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 16:00-16:15:    7:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 16:15-16:30:   10:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 16:30-16:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:45-17:00:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 17:00-17:15:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:15-17:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:30-17:45:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:45-18:00:    6:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 18:00-18:15:    3:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:15-18:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:30-18:45:    6:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 18:45-19:00:    8:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 19:00-19:15:   22:    14: 
 4/Sep/04 19:15-19:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:30-19:45:    8:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 19:45-20:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:00-20:15:    8:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:15-20:30:   15:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 20:30-20:45:   52:    11: 
 4/Sep/04 20:45-21:00:    2:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 21:00-21:15:   12:     5: 
 4/Sep/04 21:15-21:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:30-21:45:    8:     5: 
 4/Sep/04 21:45-22:00:    5:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:00-22:15:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:15-22:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:30-22:45:    8:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 22:45-23:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:00-23:15:    3:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 23:15-23:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:30-23:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:45-24:00:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:00-00:15:    2:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:15-00:30:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:30-00:45:    2:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:45-01:00:    3:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 01:00-01:15:   10:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 01:15-01:30:    5:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:30-01:45:   15:     5: 
 5/Sep/04 01:45-02:00:   10:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:00-02:15:    4:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 02:15-02:30:    6:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 02:30-02:45:    5:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 02:45-03:00:    6:     5: 
 5/Sep/04 03:00-03:15:   12:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 03:15-03:30:    8:     6: 
 5/Sep/04 03:30-03:45:   34:    28: 
 5/Sep/04 03:45-04:00:   27:    14: 
 5/Sep/04 04:00-04:15:   17:     9: 
 5/Sep/04 04:15-04:30:   11:     4: 
 5/Sep/04 04:30-04:45:   15:     7: 
 5/Sep/04 04:45-05:00:   14:     9: 
 5/Sep/04 05:00-05:15:   12:     6: 
 5/Sep/04 05:15-05:30:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:30-05:45:    4:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 05:45-06:00:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 06:00-06:15:    3:     0: 
Busiest quarter of an hour: 30/Aug/04 11:45-12:00 (43 requests for pages).

Quarter-Hour Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each quarter-hour period of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit () represents 10 requests for pages or part thereof.

       time: reqs: pages: 
-----------: ----: -----: 
00:00-00:15:  121:    41: 
00:15-00:30:  118:    63: 
00:30-00:45:   93:    29: 
00:45-01:00:  122:    65: 
01:00-01:15:  120:    49: 
01:15-01:30:  109:    53: 
01:30-01:45:  111:    46: 
01:45-02:00:  113:    54: 
02:00-02:15:  147:    50: 
02:15-02:30:  166:    89: 
02:30-02:45:  468:   334: 
02:45-03:00:  545:   335: 
03:00-03:15:  374:   171: 
03:15-03:30:  281:   146: 
03:30-03:45:  263:   134: 
03:45-04:00:  176:    78: 
04:00-04:15:  199:   106: 
04:15-04:30:  208:   116: 
04:30-04:45:  200:    85: 
04:45-05:00:  156:    96: 
05:00-05:15:  127:    59: 
05:15-05:30:   74:    35: 
05:30-05:45:  178:   102: 
05:45-06:00:   78:    49: 
06:00-06:15:   96:    32: 
06:15-06:30:   49:    27: 
06:30-06:45:   81:    26: 
06:45-07:00:   86:    23: 
07:00-07:15:   93:    25: 
07:15-07:30:   90:    29: 
07:30-07:45:  102:    44: 
07:45-08:00:   92:    43: 
08:00-08:15:  148:    40: 
08:15-08:30:   86:    43: 
08:30-08:45:  143:    54: 
08:45-09:00:   98:    49: 
09:00-09:15:  134:    54: 
09:15-09:30:  108:    52: 
09:30-09:45:  151:    45: 
09:45-10:00:   83:    40: 
10:00-10:15:  156:    57: 
10:15-10:30:  107:    34: 
10:30-10:45:  150:    42: 
10:45-11:00:  117:    54: 
11:00-11:15:  150:    42: 
11:15-11:30:  119:    41: 
11:30-11:45:  218:    92: 
11:45-12:00:  288:   136: 
12:00-12:15:  146:    58: 
12:15-12:30:  120:    57: 
12:30-12:45:  145:    33: 
12:45-13:00:  167:    52: 
13:00-13:15:  118:    25: 
13:15-13:30:   71:    31: 
13:30-13:45:  151:    32: 
13:45-14:00:  152:    45: 
14:00-14:15:  118:    27: 
14:15-14:30:  121:    49: 
14:30-14:45:  135:    47: 
14:45-15:00:  152:    71: 
15:00-15:15:  142:    56: 
15:15-15:30:  181:    72: 
15:30-15:45:  122:    24: 
15:45-16:00:  121:    55: 
16:00-16:15:  130:    51: 
16:15-16:30:  180:    42: 
16:30-16:45:  146:    37: 
16:45-17:00:  121:    40: 
17:00-17:15:  226:    54: 
17:15-17:30:  198:    44: 
17:30-17:45:  145:    37: 
17:45-18:00:  128:    59: 
18:00-18:15:  139:    53: 
18:15-18:30:  171:    65: 
18:30-18:45:  249:    59: 
18:45-19:00:  235:    45: 
19:00-19:15:  199:    56: 
19:15-19:30:   82:    28: 
19:30-19:45:  131:    39: 
19:45-20:00:  139:    54: 
20:00-20:15:  150:    31: 
20:15-20:30:  146:    53: 
20:30-20:45:  155:    43: 
20:45-21:00:  117:    30: 
21:00-21:15:  105:    28: 
21:15-21:30:   85:    30: 
21:30-21:45:  177:    45: 
21:45-22:00:  115:    45: 
22:00-22:15:  118:    28: 
22:15-22:30:   96:    35: 
22:30-22:45:  153:    45: 
22:45-23:00:  167:    43: 
23:00-23:15:  197:    86: 
23:15-23:30:  103:    42: 
23:30-23:45:  119:    35: 
23:45-24:00:   84:    41: 

Five-Minute Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each five-minute period.

Each unit () represents 1 request for a page.

     date        time: reqs: pages: 
---------------------: ----: -----: 
 4/Sep/04 06:15-06:20:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 06:20-06:25:    5:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 06:25-06:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 06:30-06:35:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 06:35-06:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 06:40-06:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 06:45-06:50:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 06:50-06:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 06:55-07:00:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:00-07:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:05-07:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:10-07:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:15-07:20:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 07:20-07:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:25-07:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:30-07:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:35-07:40:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:40-07:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:45-07:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:50-07:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 07:55-08:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:00-08:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:05-08:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:10-08:15:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 08:15-08:20:    3:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 08:20-08:25:    3:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 08:25-08:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:30-08:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:35-08:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:40-08:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:45-08:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 08:50-08:55:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 08:55-09:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:00-09:05:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:05-09:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:10-09:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:15-09:20:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:20-09:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:25-09:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:30-09:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:35-09:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:40-09:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:45-09:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:50-09:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 09:55-10:00:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:00-10:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:05-10:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:10-10:15:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:15-10:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:20-10:25:    2:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 10:25-10:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:30-10:35:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:35-10:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:40-10:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:45-10:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 10:50-10:55:    3:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 10:55-11:00:    4:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:00-11:05:    3:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:05-11:10:   10:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:10-11:15:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:15-11:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:20-11:25:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 11:25-11:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:30-11:35:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:35-11:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:40-11:45:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 11:45-11:50:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:50-11:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 11:55-12:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:00-12:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:05-12:10:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:10-12:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:15-12:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:20-12:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:25-12:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:30-12:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:35-12:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:40-12:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:45-12:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:50-12:55:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 12:55-13:00:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:00-13:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:05-13:10:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:10-13:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:15-13:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:20-13:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:25-13:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:30-13:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:35-13:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:40-13:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:45-13:50:    5:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 13:50-13:55:    8:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 13:55-14:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:00-14:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:05-14:10:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 14:10-14:15:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 14:15-14:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:20-14:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:25-14:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:30-14:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:35-14:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:40-14:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:45-14:50:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:50-14:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 14:55-15:00:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 15:00-15:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:05-15:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:10-15:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:15-15:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:20-15:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:25-15:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:30-15:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:35-15:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:40-15:45:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 15:45-15:50:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 15:50-15:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 15:55-16:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:00-16:05:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 16:05-16:10:    3:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 16:10-16:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:15-16:20:    9:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 16:20-16:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:25-16:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:30-16:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:35-16:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:40-16:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:45-16:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 16:50-16:55:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 16:55-17:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:00-17:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:05-17:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:10-17:15:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:15-17:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:20-17:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:25-17:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:30-17:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:35-17:40:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:40-17:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:45-17:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:50-17:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 17:55-18:00:    6:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 18:00-18:05:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:05-18:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:10-18:15:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:15-18:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:20-18:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:25-18:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:30-18:35:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 18:35-18:40:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:40-18:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:45-18:50:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 18:50-18:55:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 18:55-19:00:    5:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 19:00-19:05:    8:     6: 
 4/Sep/04 19:05-19:10:   10:     7: 
 4/Sep/04 19:10-19:15:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 19:15-19:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:20-19:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:25-19:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:30-19:35:    3:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 19:35-19:40:    5:     2: 
 4/Sep/04 19:40-19:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:45-19:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:50-19:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 19:55-20:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:00-20:05:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:05-20:10:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:10-20:15:    5:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:15-20:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:20-20:25:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 20:25-20:30:   11:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 20:30-20:35:   26:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 20:35-20:40:   24:     7: 
 4/Sep/04 20:40-20:45:    2:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 20:45-20:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 20:50-20:55:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 20:55-21:00:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 21:00-21:05:    4:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 21:05-21:10:    3:     3: 
 4/Sep/04 21:10-21:15:    5:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 21:15-21:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:20-21:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:25-21:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:30-21:35:    6:     5: 
 4/Sep/04 21:35-21:40:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:40-21:45:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:45-21:50:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:50-21:55:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 21:55-22:00:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:00-22:05:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:05-22:10:    2:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:10-22:15:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:15-22:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:20-22:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:25-22:30:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:30-22:35:    5:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:35-22:40:    3:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 22:40-22:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:45-22:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:50-22:55:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 22:55-23:00:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:00-23:05:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 23:05-23:10:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:10-23:15:    1:     1: 
 4/Sep/04 23:15-23:20:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:20-23:25:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:25-23:30:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:30-23:35:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:35-23:40:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:40-23:45:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:45-23:50:    0:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:50-23:55:    1:     0: 
 4/Sep/04 23:55-24:00:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:00-00:05:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:05-00:10:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:10-00:15:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:15-00:20:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:20-00:25:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:25-00:30:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:30-00:35:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:35-00:40:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:40-00:45:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:45-00:50:    1:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 00:50-00:55:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 00:55-01:00:    2:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:00-01:05:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:05-01:10:    8:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 01:10-01:15:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:15-01:20:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:20-01:25:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:25-01:30:    3:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:30-01:35:    5:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:35-01:40:    4:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 01:40-01:45:    6:     4: 
 5/Sep/04 01:45-01:50:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:50-01:55:    7:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 01:55-02:00:    3:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:00-02:05:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:05-02:10:    4:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 02:10-02:15:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:15-02:20:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:20-02:25:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:25-02:30:    4:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 02:30-02:35:    2:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 02:35-02:40:    2:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 02:40-02:45:    1:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 02:45-02:50:    3:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 02:50-02:55:    1:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 02:55-03:00:    2:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 03:00-03:05:    6:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 03:05-03:10:    5:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 03:10-03:15:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 03:15-03:20:    4:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 03:20-03:25:    3:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 03:25-03:30:    1:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 03:30-03:35:   18:    16: 
 5/Sep/04 03:35-03:40:   16:    12: 
 5/Sep/04 03:40-03:45:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 03:45-03:50:    5:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 03:50-03:55:   20:    11: 
 5/Sep/04 03:55-04:00:    2:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 04:00-04:05:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 04:05-04:10:   11:     6: 
 5/Sep/04 04:10-04:15:    5:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 04:15-04:20:    3:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 04:20-04:25:    4:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 04:25-04:30:    4:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 04:30-04:35:    5:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 04:35-04:40:    2:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 04:40-04:45:    8:     7: 
 5/Sep/04 04:45-04:50:    1:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 04:50-04:55:    4:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 04:55-05:00:    9:     6: 
 5/Sep/04 05:00-05:05:    5:     2: 
 5/Sep/04 05:05-05:10:    2:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 05:10-05:15:    5:     3: 
 5/Sep/04 05:15-05:20:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:20-05:25:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:25-05:30:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:30-05:35:    2:     1: 
 5/Sep/04 05:35-05:40:    2:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:40-05:45:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:45-05:50:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:50-05:55:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 05:55-06:00:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 06:00-06:05:    0:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 06:05-06:10:    1:     0: 
 5/Sep/04 06:10-06:15:    2:     0: 
Busiest five minutes: 30/Aug/04 11:45-11:50 (43 requests for pages).

Five-Minute Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each five-minute period of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit () represents 4 requests for pages or part thereof.

       time: reqs: pages: 
-----------: ----: -----: 
00:00-00:05:   28:    14: 
00:05-00:10:   63:    14: 
00:10-00:15:   30:    13: 
00:15-00:20:   51:    25: 
00:20-00:25:   42:    26: 
00:25-00:30:   25:    12: 
00:30-00:35:   42:     5: 
00:35-00:40:   23:     7: 
00:40-00:45:   28:    17: 
00:45-00:50:   32:    21: 
00:50-00:55:   41:    21: 
00:55-01:00:   49:    23: 
01:00-01:05:   23:    13: 
01:05-01:10:   61:    15: 
01:10-01:15:   36:    21: 
01:15-01:20:   15:     9: 
01:20-01:25:   20:     9: 
01:25-01:30:   74:    35: 
01:30-01:35:   59:    15: 
01:35-01:40:   24:    14: 
01:40-01:45:   28:    17: 
01:45-01:50:   34:    21: 
01:50-01:55:   62:    25: 
01:55-02:00:   17:     8: 
02:00-02:05:   24:     8: 
02:05-02:10:   80:    29: 
02:10-02:15:   43:    13: 
02:15-02:20:   54:    23: 
02:20-02:25:   69:    36: 
02:25-02:30:   43:    30: 
02:30-02:35:  116:    73: 
02:35-02:40:  186:   147: 
02:40-02:45:  166:   114: 
02:45-02:50:  167:   118: 
02:50-02:55:  186:   109: 
02:55-03:00:  192:   108: 
03:00-03:05:  148:    77: 
03:05-03:10:  134:    48: 
03:10-03:15:   92:    46: 
03:15-03:20:   85:    48: 
03:20-03:25:  115:    56: 
03:25-03:30:   81:    42: 
03:30-03:35:  123:    59: 
03:35-03:40:   70:    36: 
03:40-03:45:   70:    39: 
03:45-03:50:   55:    20: 
03:50-03:55:   73:    35: 
03:55-04:00:   48:    23: 
04:00-04:05:   55:    29: 
04:05-04:10:   75:    31: 
04:10-04:15:   69:    46: 
04:15-04:20:   84:    48: 
04:20-04:25:   75:    44: 
04:25-04:30:   49:    24: 
04:30-04:35:   78:    31: 
04:35-04:40:   50:    23: 
04:40-04:45:   72:    31: 
04:45-04:50:   48:    21: 
04:50-04:55:   59:    39: 
04:55-05:00:   49:    36: 
05:00-05:05:   32:    23: 
05:05-05:10:   60:    20: 
05:10-05:15:   35:    16: 
05:15-05:20:   31:    19: 
05:20-05:25:   23:    10: 
05:25-05:30:   20:     6: 
05:30-05:35:  109:    58: 
05:35-05:40:   49:    33: 
05:40-05:45:   20:    11: 
05:45-05:50:   17:    13: 
05:50-05:55:   44:    27: 
05:55-06:00:   17:     9: 
06:00-06:05:   27:    13: 
06:05-06:10:   46:    10: 
06:10-06:15:   23:     9: 
06:15-06:20:   14:     9: 
06:20-06:25:   29:    15: 
06:25-06:30:    6:     3: 
06:30-06:35:   41:     6: 
06:35-06:40:   18:     8: 
06:40-06:45:   22:    12: 
06:45-06:50:   40:     7: 
06:50-06:55:   18:     6: 
06:55-07:00:   28:    10: 
07:00-07:05:   26:     9: 
07:05-07:10:   49:     7: 
07:10-07:15:   18:     9: 
07:15-07:20:   28:     9: 
07:20-07:25:   34:    10: 
07:25-07:30:   28:    10: 
07:30-07:35:   68:    22: 
07:35-07:40:   25:    15: 
07:40-07:45:    9:     7: 
07:45-07:50:   30:    16: 
07:50-07:55:   27:    11: 
07:55-08:00:   35:    16: 
08:00-08:05:   32:    11: 
08:05-08:10:   61:    15: 
08:10-08:15:   55:    14: 
08:15-08:20:   29:    10: 
08:20-08:25:   31:    20: 
08:25-08:30:   26:    13: 
08:30-08:35:   56:    12: 
08:35-08:40:   38:    19: 
08:40-08:45:   49:    23: 
08:45-08:50:   39:    23: 
08:50-08:55:   31:    19: 
08:55-09:00:   28:     7: 
09:00-09:05:   77:    34: 
09:05-09:10:   40:    12: 
09:10-09:15:   17:     8: 
09:15-09:20:   23:    12: 
09:20-09:25:   52:    28: 
09:25-09:30:   33:    12: 
09:30-09:35:   71:    14: 
09:35-09:40:   27:    12: 
09:40-09:45:   53:    19: 
09:45-09:50:   22:    10: 
09:50-09:55:   33:    16: 
09:55-10:00:   28:    14: 
10:00-10:05:   39:    19: 
10:05-10:10:   59:    16: 
10:10-10:15:   58:    22: 
10:15-10:20:   44:    14: 
10:20-10:25:   29:    13: 
10:25-10:30:   34:     7: 
10:30-10:35:   66:    10: 
10:35-10:40:   40:    14: 
10:40-10:45:   44:    18: 
10:45-10:50:   30:    13: 
10:50-10:55:   39:    19: 
10:55-11:00:   48:    22: 
11:00-11:05:   31:    10: 
11:05-11:10:   94:    23: 
11:10-11:15:   25:     9: 
11:15-11:20:   37:    13: 
11:20-11:25:   31:    10: 
11:25-11:30:   51:    18: 
11:30-11:35:   85:    24: 
11:35-11:40:   63:    32: 
11:40-11:45:   70:    36: 
11:45-11:50:  135:    66: 
11:50-11:55:   88:    37: 
11:55-12:00:   65:    33: 
12:00-12:05:   40:    20: 
12:05-12:10:   61:    15: 
12:10-12:15:   45:    23: 
12:15-12:20:   27:    18: 
12:20-12:25:   47:    16: 
12:25-12:30:   46:    23: 
12:30-12:35:   84:    15: 
12:35-12:40:   31:    10: 
12:40-12:45:   30:     8: 
12:45-12:50:   47:    19: 
12:50-12:55:   79:    18: 
12:55-13:00:   41:    15: 
13:00-13:05:   31:     6: 
13:05-13:10:   60:    10: 
13:10-13:15:   27:     9: 
13:15-13:20:   30:    14: 
13:20-13:25:   21:     8: 
13:25-13:30:   20:     9: 
13:30-13:35:   71:    14: 
13:35-13:40:   24:     9: 
13:40-13:45:   56:     9: 
13:45-13:50:   62:    17: 
13:50-13:55:   65:    19: 
13:55-14:00:   25:     9: 
14:00-14:05:   33:    11: 
14:05-14:10:   52:     6: 
14:10-14:15:   33:    10: 
14:15-14:20:   49:    19: 
14:20-14:25:   35:    15: 
14:25-14:30:   37:    15: 
14:30-14:35:   71:    22: 
14:35-14:40:   39:    14: 
14:40-14:45:   25:    11: 
14:45-14:50:   63:    23: 
14:50-14:55:   52:    25: 
14:55-15:00:   37:    23: 
15:00-15:05:   33:    21: 
15:05-15:10:   69:    17: 
15:10-15:15:   40:    18: 
15:15-15:20:   81:    40: 
15:20-15:25:   56:    17: 
15:25-15:30:   44:    15: 
15:30-15:35:   43:     6: 
15:35-15:40:   42:    10: 
15:40-15:45:   37:     8: 
15:45-15:50:   39:    14: 
15:50-15:55:   44:    25: 
15:55-16:00:   38:    16: 
16:00-16:05:   36:    15: 
16:05-16:10:   66:    23: 
16:10-16:15:   28:    13: 
16:15-16:20:   24:     5: 
16:20-16:25:   41:    15: 
16:25-16:30:  115:    22: 
16:30-16:35:   67:    15: 
16:35-16:40:   33:    10: 
16:40-16:45:   46:    12: 
16:45-16:50:   34:    13: 
16:50-16:55:   37:    14: 
16:55-17:00:   50:    13: 
17:00-17:05:   47:    18: 
17:05-17:10:   94:    12: 
17:10-17:15:   85:    24: 
17:15-17:20:   97:    13: 
17:20-17:25:   45:    15: 
17:25-17:30:   56:    16: 
17:30-17:35:   51:     7: 
17:35-17:40:   70:    26: 
17:40-17:45:   24:     4: 
17:45-17:50:   42:    15: 
17:50-17:55:   47:    25: 
17:55-18:00:   39:    19: 
18:00-18:05:   40:    17: 
18:05-18:10:   67:    21: 
18:10-18:15:   32:    15: 
18:15-18:20:   46:    21: 
18:20-18:25:   64:    26: 
18:25-18:30:   61:    18: 
18:30-18:35:   90:    15: 
18:35-18:40:   75:    19: 
18:40-18:45:   84:    25: 
18:45-18:50:   90:    12: 
18:50-18:55:   96:    16: 
18:55-19:00:   49:    17: 
19:00-19:05:   64:    17: 
19:05-19:10:  104:    31: 
19:10-19:15:   31:     8: 
19:15-19:20:   34:    12: 
19:20-19:25:   23:     7: 
19:25-19:30:   25:     9: 
19:30-19:35:   63:    14: 
19:35-19:40:   41:    13: 
19:40-19:45:   27:    12: 
19:45-19:50:   33:     9: 
19:50-19:55:   59:    32: 
19:55-20:00:   47:    13: 
20:00-20:05:   29:     7: 
20:05-20:10:   59:     7: 
20:10-20:15:   62:    17: 
20:15-20:20:   39:    15: 
20:20-20:25:   60:    22: 
20:25-20:30:   47:    16: 
20:30-20:35:   84:    17: 
20:35-20:40:   48:    17: 
20:40-20:45:   23:     9: 
20:45-20:50:   48:    15: 
20:50-20:55:   26:     5: 
20:55-21:00:   43:    10: 
21:00-21:05:   25:     6: 
21:05-21:10:   50:    10: 
21:10-21:15:   30:    12: 
21:15-21:20:   29:     9: 
21:20-21:25:   27:     9: 
21:25-21:30:   29:    12: 
21:30-21:35:   69:    15: 
21:35-21:40:   55:    13: 
21:40-21:45:   53:    17: 
21:45-21:50:   40:    18: 
21:50-21:55:   24:     9: 
21:55-22:00:   51:    18: 
22:00-22:05:   29:     9: 
22:05-22:10:   55:     8: 
22:10-22:15:   34:    11: 
22:15-22:20:   29:     6: 
22:20-22:25:   35:    12: 
22:25-22:30:   32:    17: 
22:30-22:35:   77:    16: 
22:35-22:40:   46:    15: 
22:40-22:45:   30:    14: 
22:45-22:50:   39:    14: 
22:50-22:55:   53:    12: 
22:55-23:00:   75:    17: 
23:00-23:05:   50:    28: 
23:05-23:10:   96:    34: 
23:10-23:15:   51:    24: 
23:15-23:20:   41:    18: 
23:20-23:25:   33:    12: 
23:25-23:30:   29:    12: 
23:30-23:35:   51:     9: 
23:35-23:40:   44:    18: 
23:40-23:45:   24:     8: 
23:45-23:50:   17:    10: 
23:50-23:55:   28:    11: 
23:55-24:00:   39:    20: 

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
14360:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organisations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: %bytes: organisation
----: ------: ------------
2841: 28.66%: 65.54
2704: 14.32%: 64.68
 898:  8.08%: 212.27
 892:  7.95%: 82
 670:  2.94%: 217.157
 657:  0.03%: 216.148
 588:  3.24%: 81.86
 334:  0.43%: 81.178
 277:  1.90%: 66.196
 182:  0.02%: 209.11
 104:  0.29%: 80.42
  97:  0.44%: 81.174
  96:  0.46%: 66.194
  93:  0.55%: 65.214
  91:  0.02%: 80.253
  82:  0.84%: 61.78
  82:  0.46%: 195.92
  69:  0.40%: 209.237
  64:  0.41%: 217.137
  63:  0.37%: 62.220
3476: 28.20%: [not listed: 563 organisations]

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 50 hosts by the number of requests, sorted alphabetically.

reqs: %bytes: host
----: ------: ----
  63:  0.37%:
  34:  0.16%:
  51:  0.26%:
 119:  0.63%:
 125:  0.46%:
  43:  0.33%:
 133:  0.55%:
  88:  0.43%:
  34:  0.09%:
 105:  0.43%:
  38:  0.12%:
  31:  0.34%:
 105:  0.64%:
 134:  0.73%:
  94:  0.39%:
  35:  0.09%:
 119:  0.47%:
 118:  0.93%:
 109:  0.80%:
  88:  0.56%:
  41:  0.12%:
 107:  0.94%:
 131:  0.44%:
 123:  0.63%:
 108:  0.52%:
 117:  0.77%:
  58:  0.48%:
 115:  0.67%:
 155:  2.00%:
 963: 10.18%:
1387: 14.96%:
 330:  1.51%:
  50:  0.39%:
  34:  0.20%:
  34:  0.10%:
  58:  0.10%:
  91:  0.02%:
 560:  3.11%:
 581:  5.31%:
  32:  0.11%:
  33:  0.43%:
  73:  0.01%:
 109:  0.01%:
  51:  0.35%:
  32:  0.24%:
 876:  7.84%:
  35:  0.24%:
 657:  0.03%:
 670:  2.94%:
  50:  0.23%:
5033: 36.34%: [not listed: 1,221 hosts]

Host Redirection Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the computers which were redirected to another file.

Listing the top 20 hosts by the number of redirected requests, sorted by the number of redirected requests.

reqs: host
----: ----
  56: [not listed: 50 hosts]

Host Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the computers which encountered failed requests.

Listing the top 20 hosts by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs: host
----: ----
 986: [not listed: 447 hosts]

Redirected Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the referrers that caused redirected requests.

Listing referring URLs, sorted by the number of redirected requests.

reqs: URL
----: ---
  17: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/index.cgi
  13: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi
   4: http://www.affs.org.uk/joinup.html
   1: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/OldStuff
   1: http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/web/odpm+ipr/1/20/1/-/-/0/1/1/1/1/-/-/-/on3%253A1092663953367%253A0%253A/-/1/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/odpm+ipr
   1: http://uk.search.msn.com/spresults.aspx
   1: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/CopyrightAndRelatedRightsAnalysis
   1: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/RoCttP

Failed Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the referrers containing broken links to the site.

Listing the top 30 referring URLs by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs: URL
----: ---
 230: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/webstats/20040707/
 201: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/webstats/20040809/
  70: http://www.affs.org.uk/
  57: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admindb/affs-ctte
  24: http://ranchero.com/software/netnewswire/
  24: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
  21: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte
  20: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/privacy/sender
  16: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/webstats/20031015.html
  15: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mailman
   9: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/affs-project
   9: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/privacy
   9: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-project/general
   9: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-project/
   9: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/affs-ctte
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/edu-wg
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mailman/archive
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mailman/general
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/members
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mailman/privacy
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin
   6: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/edig
   5: http://www.affs.org.uk/index.html
   5: http://www.fsfeurope.org/help/donate-2004-uk.en.html
   4: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/general
   3: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-project/privacy/spam
   3: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-project/archive
   3: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-project/nondigest
   3: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/logout
 106: [not listed: 43 URLs]

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).

Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: URL
----: ---
1328: http://www.affs.org.uk/
 124: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/webstats/20040809/
 123: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/index.cgi
  37:   http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/index.cgi?HomePage
  13:   http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/index.cgi?RecentChanges
  10:   http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/index.cgi?CopyrightAndRelatedRightsAnalysis
  10:   http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/index.cgi?button-edit=EDIT&action=edit&page_id=HomePage
 111: http://www.google.com/search
  84: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admindb/affs-ctte
  75: http://www.affs.org.uk/affsac.html
  71: http://www.affs.org.uk/campaigns.html
  67: http://www.affs.org.uk/about.html
  63: http://www.affs.org.uk/membership.html
  56: http://www.affs.org.uk/news.html
  55: http://www.google.co.uk/search
  54: http://www.affs.org.uk/index.html
  54: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/CopyrightAndRelatedRightsAnalysis
  54: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi
  14:   http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?NewsletterEditing
  12:   http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?RecentChanges
  53: http://www.affs.org.uk/affsac-report.html
  43: http://www.affs.org.uk/documents.html
  39: http://www.affs.org.uk/src/
  39: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/priv/wiki/
  35: http://www.affs.org.uk/diary.html
  33: http://www.affs.org.uk/activities.html
  31: http://www.affs.org.uk/~alex/
  27: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte
  26: http://www.affs.org.uk/education/
  25: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/
  24: http://www.affs.org.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/privacy/sender
  23: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/webstats/20040707/
  22: http://www.affs.org.uk/education/index.html
  21: http://www.affs.org.uk/~mjr/libraries/fosslib-howto.html
 903: [not listed: 290 URLs]

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists which servers people followed links from.

Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: site
----: ----
3088: http://www.affs.org.uk/
 112: http://www.google.com/
  55: http://www.google.co.uk/
  24: http://mjr.towers.org.uk/
  23: http://www.fsfeurope.org/
  22: http://uk.search.msn.com/
  16: http://fsffrance.org/
  15: http://search.yahoo.com/
  14: http://planet.debian.net/
  12: http://www.germany.fsfeurope.org/
  10: http://www.gnulondonfilm.stodge.org/
   9: http://www.google.de/
   7: http://www.devilfinder.com/
   6: http://www.google.be/
   6: http://www.towers.org.uk/
   6: http://www.sexnet24.tv/
   5: http://www.netzmafia.de/
   5: http://www.schoolforge.org.uk/
   5: http://www.blueyonder.co.uk/
   5: http://gnu.mirrors.atn.ro/
   5: http://www.advogato.org/
   5: http://lwn.net/
   5: http://seek.3721.com/
   5: http://search.msn.com/
   4: http://www.google.co.in/
   4: http://www.google.ca/
   4: http://aolsearch.aol.co.uk/
   4: http://www.easf.org.uk/
   4: http://www.inter7.com/
   4: http://search.wanadoo.co.uk/
 174: [not listed: 120 sites]

Search Query Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists which queries people used in search engines to find the site.

Listing the top 30 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: search term
----: -----------
  41: affs
  35: free software
  18: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   5: fitzgerald international v tradition uk ltd
   4: free software uk
   4: industrial computers filetype:pdf
   3: software freedom day
   3: linux payroll
   2: brian gough
   2: cache:mtnk6xwewf8j:www.affs.org.uk/committee/minutes20040701.html meeting minute
   2: october 2004 free conference in uk
   2: wiki booking
   2: free conference in uk
   2: free payroll software
   2: clockwork software systems
   2: ian lynch ict
   2: computer implemented inventions comments or position or opinion or letter
   2: admin irc
   1: open source pupil
   1: dvd cover open source
   1: mep software patent
   1: free software and payroll and uk
   1: so_solid_moo
   1: trading funds government uk
   1: free copyright association
   1: distinction ext:pdf
   1: software grants
   1: c language slides
   1: payroll software free
   1: software ideas
  98: [not listed: 98 search terms]

Search Word Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists which words people used in search engines to find the site.

Listing the top 30 query words by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: search term
----: -----------
  88: software
  70: free
  48: affs
  20: uk
  18: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12: payroll
  11: source
   9: open
   8: patent
   7: in
   7: linux
   7: v
   7: tradition
   6: or
   6: fitzgerald
   6: and
   6: libraries
   5: international
   5: for
   5: ltd
   5: conference
   4: of
   4: computers
   4: filetype:pdf
   4: cover
   4: the
   4: association
   4: gnustep
   4: industrial
   3: dvd
 265: [not listed: 211 search terms]

Browser Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the browsers used by visitors.

Listing the top 40 browsers by the number of requests for pages, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs: pages: browser
----: -----: -------
2665:  1638: Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)
2865:   952: msnbot/0.11 (+http://search.msn.com/msnbot.htm)
 876:   355: Pompos/1.3 http://dir.com/pompos.html
 291:   261: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp)
 560:   158: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040709 Firefox/0.9.1
 447:   140: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
 113:   111: NaverBot-1.0 (NHN Corp. / +82-2-3011-1954 / nhnbot@naver.com)
  79:    74: Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; Ask Jeeves/Teoma)
 135:    66: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
 589:    62: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040510 Epiphany/1.2.4
  63:    60: Lynx/2.8.4rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
  69:    60: ia_archiver
 145:    59: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.2024)
 116:    48: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
  51:    42: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows XP)
  50:    39: Gigabot/2.0
  39:    37: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
 106:    37: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.2; Linux) (KHTML, like Gecko)
  38:    36: Gaisbot/3.0+(robot@gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw;+http://gais.cs.ccu.edu.tw/robot.php)
  33:    33: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt; DTS Agent
  35:    31: Iltrovatore-Setaccio/1.2 (It-bot; http://www.iltrovatore.it/bot.html; info@iltrovatore.it)
  32:    28: i-modeconverter(
  26:    26: Webcheck 1.0
  28:    26: Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
  24:    24: fukuiben (http://fki-co.gr.jp/hen/fukui1.cgi)
  25:    22: larbin_2.6.3 larbin2.6.3@unspecified.mail
  70:    21: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040510
  32:    20: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040803 Firefox/0.9.3
  19:    19: NG/2.0
  19:    19: Mozilla/4.0 compatible ZyBorg/1.0 Dead Link Checker (wn.dlc@looksmart.net; http://www.WISEnutbot.com)
  67:    18: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113
  42:    17: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040803 Firefox/0.9.3
  21:    17: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.50  [en]
  53:    16: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.2024)
  23:    16: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040803 Firefox/0.9.3
  16:    16: Java/1.4.2_04
  25:    14: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4.1) Gecko/20031114
  16:    14: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible)
  36:    14: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.2
  13:    13: Java/1.5.0-beta2
3610:   924: [not listed: 443 browsers]

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.

Listing the top 20 browsers by the number of requests for pages, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

no.: reqs: pages: browser
---: ----: -----: -------
  1: 2665:  1638: Googlebot
   : 2665:  1638:   Googlebot/2
  2: 2865:   952: msnbot
   : 2865:   952:   msnbot/0
  3: 1913:   750: MSIE
   : 1614:   602:   MSIE/6
   :  293:   142:   MSIE/5
   :    5:     5:   MSIE/4
  4: 2218:   610: Mozilla
   : 2158:   588:   Mozilla/1
   :    6:     3:   Mozilla/0
  5:  480:   426: Netscape (compatible)
  6:  876:   355: Pompos
   :  876:   355:   Pompos/1
  7:  113:   111: NaverBot-1.0 (NHN Corp. 
   :  113:   111:   NaverBot-1.0 (NHN Corp. /
  8:  213:   111: Konqueror
   :  212:   110:   Konqueror/3
   :    1:     1:   Konqueror/2
  9:   70:    67: Lynx
   :   70:    67:   Lynx/2
 10:   69:    60: ia_archiver
 11:   95:    49: Opera
   :   91:    45:   Opera/7
   :    4:     4:   Opera/6
 12:   50:    39: Gigabot
   :   50:    39:   Gigabot/2
 13:   38:    36: Gaisbot
   :   38:    36:   Gaisbot/3
 14:   65:    34: Netscape
   :   26:    18:   Netscape/4
   :   25:     6:   Netscape/7
   :    9:     5:   Netscape/6
   :    3:     3:   Netscape/3
 15:   33:    33: Java
   :   33:    33:   Java/1
 16:   35:    31: Iltrovatore-Setaccio
   :   35:    31:   Iltrovatore-Setaccio/1
 17:   32:    28: i-modeconverter(
 18:   26:    26: Webcheck
   :   26:    26:   Webcheck/1
 19:   24:    24: fukuiben (http:
   :   24:    24:   fukuiben (http://fki-co
 20:   25:    22: larbin_2.6.3 larbin2.6.3@unspecified.mail
   : 1657:   181: [not listed: 71 browsers]

Operating System Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.

Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

no.: reqs: pages: OS
---: ----: -----: --
  1: 5965:  2290: OS unknown
  2: 2864:  1760: Known robots
  3: 2381:   955: Windows
   : 1261:   477:   Windows XP
   :  385:   178:   Windows 98
   :  423:   166:   Windows 2000
   :  166:    82:   Windows NT
   :   98:    29:   Windows ME
   :   35:    16:   Unknown Windows
   :   13:     7:   Windows 95
  4: 2279:   553: Unix
   : 2239:   530:   Linux
   :   27:    13:   SunOS
   :   12:     9:   BSD
   :    1:     1:   Other Unix
  5:   70:    24: Macintosh
   :   70:    24:   Macintosh PowerPC
  6:    1:     1: OS/2
  7:    2:     0: Amiga

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 reqs: status code
-----: -----------
11676: 200 OK
   33: 206 Partial content
  114: 301 Document moved permanently
   35: 302 Document found elsewhere
    2: 303 See other document
 2651: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
    5: 400 Bad request
   28: 403 Access forbidden
 2341: 404 Document not found
   21: 405 Method not allowed
    1: 408 Request timeout
    5: 416 Requested range not valid
    5: 501 Request type not supported

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

       size: reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: ----: ------: 
          0: 2788:       : 
   1b-  10b:    0:       : 
  11b- 100b:   54:       : 
 101b-  1kb:  589:  0.36%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 8867: 30.03%: 
 10kb-100kb: 1875: 41.67%: 
100kb-  1Mb:  186: 26.55%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:    1:  1.39%: 

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of requested files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

reqs: %bytes: extension
----: ------: ---------
 983: 31.78%: .pdf  [Adobe Portable Document Format]
2893: 15.14%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
2773: 13.71%: [directories]
 559:  8.61%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
 812:  6.19%: .png  [PNG graphics]
 805:  5.92%: [no extension]
1731:  4.51%: .cgi  [CGI scripts]
2208:  4.38%: .rss
 344:  2.43%: .txt  [Plain text]
  41:  1.63%: .gz   [Gzip compressed files]
   3:  1.58%:   .tar.gz [Compressed archives]
  26:  1.24%: .sxw
 645:  1.14%: .css  [Cascading Style Sheets]
 159:  1.03%: .tex
  21:  0.90%: .log
  27:  0.61%: .xml
  20:  0.47%: .rtf  [Rich Text Format]
  27:  0.16%: .sxi
 286:  0.14%: [not listed: 6 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

reqs: %bytes: directory
----: ------: ---------
3587: 22.51%: /~mjr/
5902: 22.46%: [root directory]
 771: 12.94%: /news/
 412: 12.52%: /documents/
 399:  6.51%: /~marc/
 205:  5.00%: /papers/
 937:  4.84%: /images/
 304:  4.15%: /cgi-bin/
 951:  3.85%: /~alex/
 158:  1.65%: /src/
 159:  1.62%: /newsletters/
 112:  0.83%: /government/
 117:  0.49%: /education/
  86:  0.25%: /patents/
  64:  0.19%: /donors/
  11:  0.08%: /committee/
  65:  0.07%: /doc/
 114:  0.03%: /icons/
   5:  0.02%: http://
   1:       : [not listed: 1 directory]

Redirection Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files that caused requests to be redirected to another file. (Usually directories with the final slash missing, or CGI scripts that forced redirections.)

Listing files, sorted by the number of redirected requests.

reqs: file
----: ----
  23: /src
  22: /~mjr/treasurer2003
  20: /~alex/index.cgi
  15: /education
  13: /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi
   8: /~mjr/treasury
   6: /~marc/grants
   6: /~marc
   5: /~mjr/libraries
   5: /newsletters
   5: /news
   5: /patents
   5: /government
   4: /cgi-bin/joinup.pl
   3: /donors
   2: /~mjr
   2: /~mjr/webstats
   2: /~marc/affsac2004

Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files that caused failures, for example files not found.

Listing the top 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs: file
----: ----
 774: /robots.txt
 191: /favicon.ico
 117: /doc/mailman/images/PythonPowered.png
 115: /doc/mailman/images/gnu-head-tiny.jpg
 110: /doc/mailman/images/mailman.jpg
  83: /doc/analog/images/barb1.gif
  79: /doc/analog/images/barb8.gif
  76: /doc/analog/images/barb2.gif
  73: /doc/analog/images/barb4.gif
  64: /doc/analog/images/barb16.gif
  56: /~mjr/treasury/rfc-sponsorship.txt
  51: /~mjr/treasury/rfc-grants.txt
  35: /papers/affsac2004/JP-paythyme.pdf
  34: /~mjr/log20040223.html
  34: /doc/analog/images/barb32.gif
  32: /~mjr/log20040126.html
  30: /papers/affsac2004/MJR-slides.html
  27: /papers/affsac2004/TC_oip.pdf
  26: /donors/"
  26: /papers/affsac2004/TW_Presentation.sxi
  24: /news.rss/index.xml
  23: /papers/affsac2004/brian.pdf
  21: /~mjr/webstats/newstats.sh
  15: /doc/analog/images/analogo.gif
  15: /doc/analog/images/html2.gif
  14: /doc/mailman/images/mm-icon.png
  12: /cgi-bin/formmail.pl
  11: /cgi-bin/contact.cgi
   8: /
   8: /cgi-bin/formmail.cgi
 221: [not listed: 148 files]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
----: ------: ---------------: ----
2208:  4.38%:  5/Sep/04 06:07: /news.rss
  19:  0.08%:  5/Sep/04 00:40:   /news.rss?
1297:  2.98%:  5/Sep/04 05:38: /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi
  36:  0.19%:  1/Sep/04 10:57:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?NewsletterEditing
  22:  0.05%:  3/Sep/04 11:17:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?RecentChanges
  17:  0.06%:  3/Sep/04 11:21:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?BitsFromDebianLegal
  17:  0.06%:  5/Sep/04 04:26:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?HomePage
  14:  0.05%:  4/Sep/04 02:00:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=browse&diff=1&id=UkLaw
  14:  0.06%:  4/Sep/04 11:07:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=edit&id=NewsletterEditing
  13:  0.04%:  5/Sep/04 02:34:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=edit&id=HomePage
  12:  0.03%:  4/Sep/04 20:10:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=rc&days=90
  11:  0.02%:  5/Sep/04 04:31:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=history&id=HomePage
  11:  0.02%:  4/Sep/04 20:22:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=rc&days=30
  11:  0.02%:  1/Sep/04 10:59:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=history&id=NewsletterEditing
  11:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 08:37:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=rc&days=3
  11:  0.03%:  1/Sep/04 10:58:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?UkLaw
  10:  0.02%:  2/Sep/04 10:16:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=browse&diff=1&id=RecentChanges
  10:  0.01%:  1/Sep/04 06:58:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?AffswebInArch
  10:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 08:19:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=history&id=RecentChanges
  10:  0.01%:  1/Sep/04 07:04:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?AffsProjects2k4
  10:  0.03%:  2/Sep/04 08:19:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=editprefs
  10:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 02:24:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?2003-12-22
  10:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 02:44:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?AnarchistBookfairs
  10:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 08:19:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=rc&days=1
  10:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 08:19:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=rc&days=7
  10:  0.04%:  5/Sep/04 04:01:   /~mjr/priv/wiki/index.cgi?action=browse&diff=1&id=HomePage
 974:  2.47%:  5/Sep/04 03:30: /
 571:  0.99%:  5/Sep/04 01:09: /style.css
 560:  2.74%:  5/Sep/04 01:09: /images/logo-150x45.png
 430:  1.53%:  5/Sep/04 04:29: /~alex/index.cgi
  53:  0.20%:  3/Sep/04 17:08:   /~alex/index.cgi?HomePage
  31:  0.11%:  5/Sep/04 04:29:   /~alex/index.cgi?RecentChanges
  18:  0.11%:  3/Sep/04 17:09:   /~alex/index.cgi?CopyrightAndRelatedRightsAnalysis
  17:  0.07%:  2/Sep/04 00:23:   /~alex/index.cgi?OSSPolicyV2Analysis
  14:  0.04%:  2/Sep/04 03:36:   /~alex/index.cgi?action=prefs
 418:  6.96%:  5/Sep/04 01:55: /AFFS-adv-v.jpg
 190:  0.72%:  5/Sep/04 04:25: /about.html
 179:  1.28%:  5/Sep/04 04:23: /affsac.html
 162:  0.72%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /news.html
 156:  0.13%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /src/
  14:  0.01%:  3/Sep/04 15:53:   /src/?D=A
  13:  0.01%:  4/Sep/04 08:20:   /src/?S=A
  12:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 02:25:   /src/?N=A
  11:  0.01%:  3/Sep/04 17:10:   /src/?M=A
  10:  0.01%:  3/Sep/04 16:24:   /src/?N=D
 152:  0.60%:  5/Sep/04 03:37: /membership.html
 146:  6.45%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /documents/membership.pdf
 124:  0.24%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /documents.html
 117:  0.49%:  5/Sep/04 04:43: /education/
 112:  0.83%:  5/Sep/04 03:19: /government/
 112:  0.28%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /campaigns.html
 109:  0.10%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /~marc/grants/
  11:  0.01%:  3/Sep/04 01:27:   /~marc/grants/?D=A
  11:  0.01%:  1/Sep/04 12:12:   /~marc/grants/?M=A
  10:  0.01%:  1/Sep/04 12:02:   /~marc/grants/?S=A
  10:  0.01%:  4/Sep/04 22:39:   /~marc/grants/?N=D
 108:  0.16%:  5/Sep/04 03:37: /contact.html
 102:  0.22%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /sponsors.html
 100:  0.33%:  5/Sep/04 03:39: /diary.html
  99:  0.40%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /activities.html
  99:  0.11%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /~mjr/treasurer2003/
  10:  0.01%:  2/Sep/04 21:49:   /~mjr/treasurer2003/?S=A
  93:  0.08%:  5/Sep/04 04:05: /~marc/
  10:  0.01%:  4/Sep/04 21:33:   /~marc/?D=A
  89:  1.32%:  5/Sep/04 04:05: /documents/affs-const.txt
  86:  0.25%:  5/Sep/04 03:37: /patents/
  85:  1.36%:  5/Sep/04 05:31: /newsletters/2004-01.html
  85:  2.43%:  2/Sep/04 10:27: /cgi-bin/mailman/admindb/affs-ctte
  81:  0.24%:  5/Sep/04 03:55: /~mjr/treasury/
  76:  0.69%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /documents/leaflet1.pdf
  74:  4.99%:  5/Sep/04 04:05: /~marc/grants/grants.pdf
  73:  0.74%:  5/Sep/04 04:50: /affsac-report.html
  72:  2.59%:  5/Sep/04 03:37: /papers/affsac2004/JP-paythyme.pdf
  70:  0.43%:  3/Sep/04 17:08: /~alex/CopyrightAndRelatedRightsAnalysis
  69:  0.32%:  5/Sep/04 03:37: /joinup.html
  68:  0.39%:  5/Sep/04 03:37: /affsac-2003.html
  67:  0.04%:  5/Sep/04 04:05: /~mjr/treasurer2003/profitloss.html.asc
  67:  0.97%:  5/Sep/04 04:08: /~marc/grants/grants.tex
  65:  0.99%:  5/Sep/04 04:41: /news/news0002.pdf
  64:  0.19%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /donors/
  63:  0.25%:  5/Sep/04 04:46: /newsletters/2004-07.html
  62:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 04:34: /~mjr/treasurer2003/balance.html.asc
  60:  0.07%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /~mjr/libraries/
  60:  0.52%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /affsac-2003-accounts.html
  59:  1.74%:  5/Sep/04 03:48: /news/news0006.pdf
  58:  0.10%:  5/Sep/04 03:39: /news/news0003.html
  58:  0.37%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0003.pdf
  58:  4.98%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0005.pdf
  58:  0.36%:  5/Sep/04 03:48: /faq.html
  57:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 05:02: /~mjr/
  57:  0.31%:  5/Sep/04 03:33: /affsac-2003-minutes.html
  56:  0.36%:  5/Sep/04 04:19: /~marc/affsac2004/
  56:  0.39%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0001.pdf
  55:  1.56%:  5/Sep/04 03:47: /news/news0004.pdf
  54:  0.05%:  5/Sep/04 05:02: /~mjr/webmaster-arch/
  54:  3.02%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /documents/fp6-recommendation.pdf
  52:  0.18%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0009.html
  52:  0.88%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0009.pdf
  52:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 04:58: /~mjr/treasury/agm-budget.txt
  51:  0.48%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0005.html
  51:  0.18%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0006.html
  50:  0.18%:  5/Sep/04 03:48: /news/news0001.html
  48:  0.80%:  5/Sep/04 03:39: /news/news0002.html
  48:  0.09%:  5/Sep/04 03:53: /news/news0004.html
  47:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 05:11: /~mjr/treasury/memberprocesses.txt
  46:  0.34%:  5/Sep/04 04:18: /~mjr/treasury/expenses.pdf
  46:  1.04%:  5/Sep/04 04:54: /documents/2004-01.pdf
  46:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 05:11: /~mjr/treasury/agm-notice.tex
  46:  0.17%:  3/Sep/04 11:21: /~mjr/priv/wiki/
  45:  0.02%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/treasury/expenses.tex
  42:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 02:40: /images/exec/
  41:  0.07%:  5/Sep/04 04:13: /images/
  41:  0.03%:  2/Sep/04 00:25: /images/affsac2003/
  40:  0.05%:  5/Sep/04 02:51: /images/olymexpo03/
  40:  0.98%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/libraries/fosslib-howto.html
  40:  0.04%:  5/Sep/04 02:45: /images/affsac2004/
  40:  0.04%:  4/Sep/04 20:34: /~mjr/webstats/
  39:  1.65%:  5/Sep/04 04:32: /papers/affsac2004/TC_oip.pdf
  37:  0.14%:  4/Sep/04 21:06: /~mjr/shc/
  37:  0.05%:  4/Sep/04 20:38: /~mjr/admin/
  37:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 03:03: /~mjr/webmaster-arch/affsweb/
  36:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 04:40: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow.html
  36:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow0407.html
  36:  0.05%:  2/Sep/04 00:11: /images/affs2003/
  36:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 04:43: /~mjr/treasury/mofs.html
  35:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 05:11: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow200310.html
  35:  0.12%:  3/Sep/04 17:07: /~alex/css/alexwiki.css
  35:  0.05%:  5/Sep/04 05:05: /~mjr/treasury/balance0407.html
  35:  0.01%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow2004q1.html
  35:  0.25%:  3/Sep/04 17:07: /~alex/alexwiki.png
  34:  0.02%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/treasury/balance0310.html
  34:       :  5/Sep/04 05:13: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow200401.html
  34:       :  5/Sep/04 04:42: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow1103.html
  34:  0.05%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/treasury/accounts.html
  34:  0.05%:  4/Sep/04 20:38: /~mjr/admin/irc/
  34:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 04:58: /~mjr/treasury/profitloss.html
  33:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 04:59: /~mjr/libraries/fosslib.css
  33:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 04:52: /~mjr/treasury/affsac-2004-accounts.xhtml
  33:  0.05%:  5/Sep/04 04:06: /~mjr/treasurer2003/profitloss.html
  33:  0.02%:  5/Sep/04 04:05: /~mjr/treasurer2003/balance.html
  32:  0.12%:  5/Sep/04 01:52: /images/affs2003/simonwaters_sm.jpg
  32:  0.27%:  4/Sep/04 21:49: /~alex/OSSPolicyV2Response
  32:       :  5/Sep/04 05:13: /~mjr/treasury/cashflow2004q2.html
  32:  0.04%:  5/Sep/04 06:10: /~mjr/treasury/expenses.ps.gz
  31:  0.03%:  5/Sep/04 03:04: /~mjr/webmaster-arch/=meta-info/
  30:       :  5/Sep/04 05:02: /icons/blank.gif
  30:       :  5/Sep/04 05:02: /icons/back.gif
  29:  0.07%:  5/Sep/04 03:36: /papers/affsac2004/MJR-slides.html
  28:       :  5/Sep/04 04:15: /images/olymexpo03/COPYING
  27:  0.04%:  2/Sep/04 10:25: /doc/mailman/images/mailman.jpg
  27:  0.10%:  5/Sep/04 04:07: /~alex/
  27:  0.33%:  5/Sep/04 04:50: /~mjr/treasury/balance0408.html
  27:  0.61%:  5/Sep/04 04:35: /~mjr/libraries/fosslib-howto.xml
  27:  0.02%:  2/Sep/04 10:25: /doc/mailman/images/gnu-head-tiny.jpg
  27:  0.11%:  5/Sep/04 03:39: /papers/affsac2004/brian.pdf
  27:  0.16%:  5/Sep/04 03:47: /papers/affsac2004/TW_Presentation.sxi
  26:  1.24%:  5/Sep/04 04:34: /~mjr/libraries/fosslib-graphics.sxw
  26:  0.35%: 28/Aug/04 10:39: /cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte
  25:  0.25%: 26/Aug/04 15:52: /cgi-bin/mailman/admin/affs-ctte/privacy/sender
  24:       :  4/Sep/04 19:31: /~mjr/webmaster-arch/=meta-info/name
  24:  0.03%:  3/Sep/04 00:10: /~mjr/admin/rfc-sponsorship.txt
  23:  0.05%:  3/Sep/04 00:10: /~mjr/admin/rfc-emailres.txt
  23:  3.38%:  5/Sep/04 02:55: /~mjr/webstats/20040809/
  23:  0.10%:  1/Sep/04 19:01: /~alex/OSSPolicyV2Analysis
  22:  0.02%:  2/Sep/04 23:52: /~mjr/admin/cfh-ec-drm.txt
  22:  0.48%:  5/Sep/04 03:23: /~mjr/webstats/20031015.html
  22:  0.01%:  3/Sep/04 00:10: /~mjr/admin/rfc-grants.txt
  22:  0.07%:  3/Sep/04 00:09: /~mjr/admin/response-ipred.txt
  22:  3.86%:  5/Sep/04 03:19: /~mjr/webstats/20040707/
  22:  0.82%:  3/Sep/04 00:05: /~mjr/admin/irc/swpat.txt
  21:  0.90%:  3/Sep/04 00:04: /~mjr/admin/irc/swpat.log
  21:  0.06%:  3/Sep/04 00:08: /~mjr/admin/rfc-meetings.txt
  20:  0.47%:  4/Sep/04 21:03: /~mjr/admin/irc/swpat.log.rtf
1004: 10.36%:  5/Sep/04 05:35: [not listed: 307 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 5.24.
Running time: 1 second.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Yearly Report: Quarterly Report: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Report: Hour of the Week Summary: Hourly Summary: Quarter-Hour Report: Quarter-Hour Summary: Five-Minute Report: Five-Minute Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Host Report: Host Redirection Report: Host Failure Report: Redirected Referrer Report: Failed Referrer Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Search Query Report: Search Word Report: Browser Report: Browser Summary: Operating System Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Redirection Report: Failure Report: Request Report)